2016-12-21 | 小编:Jennifer | 0 |
雅思考试真题中电影话题属于高频率的一个考查项目。在历年的雅思口语考试,其中Describe a movie 的卡片question card 已属于老掉牙的话题了。环球教育老师根据数年的雅思考试真题口语ielts speaking教学经验,可以将其归结为以下几种雅思考试真题题目:
A. Describe a foreign movie.(描述一外国电影)。
B.Describe a movie based on real person and real event (描述一部根据真人真事改变的电影)。
C.Describe a movie that made you laugh (描述一部让你发笑的电影)。
D. Describe a film you like (描述一部你喜欢的电影).
E. Describe a movie about future life (描述一部关于未来生活的电影).
纵观历年来雅思考试真题的Movie 话题,无非此几种范围。2017年正在悄然来临。那么应该怎么来答呢?对于Movie 话题大可不必忧心忡忡。当然了最基本的movie 类型先弄明白。下面老师将简单列举一下思路:
Action movie
Horror movie 恐怖电影
War movie
Scientific and fiction movie
Tragedy 悲剧
Documentary 纪录片
Romantic movie
Thriller 惊悚片
无论是哪种电影无非从下面几点来give comment:
The film was very well made.
The acting was superb, the scenery was beautiful and
the cinematography (电影摄制) was excellent.
The story had many twists and turns , so you were never sure exactly what was going to happen.
The main actress was so convincing and believable.
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